The following statistics show the Population & Steets in La-Monte City, Missouri. As of 2010, the city had a population of 1,406 people. The median household income in La Monte is $43,285. The poverty rate is around 9.2%. There are 523 people per square mile and a median household income of $43,285.
The rent burden is the percentage of a household's income that is spent on rental housing. This figure is useful when trying to determine how affordable housing is in a city. La Monte's rent burden is a bit lower than the state average of 29.4%, but neighboring cities such as New Franklin and Camden have much lower rent burdens than La Monte does. Also, 46.0% of La Monte's housing units are occupied by renters, compared to an average of 48.7% in Missouri.
La Monte, Missouri's population consists of a mixture of native and foreign-born citizens. In 2010, a category F3 tornado struck the city and injured five people, while a Category F4 tornado destroyed twenty-three homes and caused $50,000,000 worth of damage. The USPS uses this default name for cities. In the 2010 census, the city's population was 2,614 people. In 2018, the average age of the city's residents was 27, which indicates that the population was growing.
In 2011, the population of La Monte City was 113,395 people. This figure includes households with children. Ninety-three percent of households had children. Thirteen percent of the households were non-families. Ten percent of households were made up of individuals. There were four people over the age of 65 living alone. The median household size in La Monte City was four people. The population was spread out over nine square miles.