Laclede, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you think about population and steets, what comes to mind? Perhaps rural and unpopulated, Laclede City might be an appealing prospect. This unpopulated city boasts a population of 322 people and has one of the lowest vacancy rates of any community in the United States. Residents enjoy plenty of room to move around, little traffic, and lots of open space. In fact, according to a report by NeighborhoodScout, the area is the least-populated neighborhood in America.

In Laclede City, MO, 35,531 people identify as males, with a male-to-female ratio of 49.1%. The average male-to-female ratio is 49.2% in Missouri, while the national average is 48.6%. This number is low but is nonetheless impressive. It is worth noting that the area is predominantly white, with less than 1% identifying as other races.

The city began as a French settlement, with only one religion allowed. Once the French government lost control of the territory, the fur trade flourished. The Hispanic government, however, ended Laclede's exclusive fur-trading rights and the area opened up to new settlers. The area was known as the Pain Court because of its lack of bread flour and local agriculture. A large portion of the city's population lived in poverty, and its poor economy was based on this fact.

There are 182 households in Laclede City, with 18.6% of the population under the age of 18. There were also 10.4% of single women who lived alone, with the rest of the population being composed of couples. The average age of residents in Laclede City is 40 years old. The median age is 40 years old. Males outnumber females in the city by 84.6% to 100 females.