Lake Winnebago, Missouri, is located in Cass County. The population was 1,131 at the 2010 census. The area is part of the Kansas City metropolitan area. For more information on Lake Winnebago, please read the following information. The table below provides a quick comparison of the population of Lake Winnebago with that of nearby communities. The table also includes other important demographic information for Lake Winnebago.
The percentage of renter-occupied housing units in Lake Winnebago is lower than the average Missouri city. There are only two renter-occupied housing units per thousand people in the city. Lake Winnebago is a good choice if you want to live near affordable housing. The city has an average of 2.3% renter-occupied housing units. This rate is lower than other nearby communities.
The median age for residents in Lake Winnebago City was 50.9 years. Twenty-one percent of residents were under age. One-quarter of households were made up of married couples. Another fifteen percent were non-families. There were also a few senior citizens living alone. The average number of households in Lake Winnebago City is 2.58 persons. This makes it one of the most family-friendly communities in the area.
The town is located on the banks of Lake Winnebago, with a broken shoreline on the east. The land was once covered with open growth of hardwood timber, which pioneers called openings. The town's wheat was noted for its quality and took the first prize at the Paris Exposition in 1875. The town is also a rich source of bank gravel. The town has a population of approximately 699 people, including a large number of native residents.