Leadwood is a city in Missouri. The population is mostly White. There are many important ancestries in the area, including German, Irish, English, and French. The most widely spoken language in Leadwood is English. Other important languages include Spanish, Italian, and French. While the population of Leadwood is mostly White, there are also a significant number of people from other races. Despite this, the city still has a large number of unemployed people.
The median income in Leadwood is $28,913 per person. It has a population of 1,091 residents. One-fifth of the people are under the age of five, and 10.3% of them are over the age of 65. Leadwood has a 99.2% White population, with 0.8% two-or-more races, and 0.3% Hispanic. There is a high school graduation rate in Leadwood, with 82.4% of residents holding some college degree.
The population of Leadwood City, Missouri was 76 268 people in households. Of this, 408 were in non-institutionalized group quarters. One hundred and thirteen people were institutionalized. That means that there was a high proportion of elderly residents, but that was not the case in many other cities. There were also a number of single-person households, with only one senior citizen living alone.
There are a few people living in the Bed, Bath & Beyond encampment. Most of the people living there had previously lived in similar sites in Redwood City and Santa Clara. A man named Kotter, for example, recently moved to Leadwood City from Santa Clara after being evicted six months ago. He has PTSD, and prefers to live outside, sitting in a black swivel office chair. He also prefers to be near the sidewalk, away from other campers.