You may be interested in learning the Population & Steets in Lockwoof City. Lockwood City is located in northern California, along the coast on the Monterey Bay. The population of Lockwood is approximately 2,080, with the median house value being just under $350,000. The city is 110 miles south of the state's capital, San Francisco. The most pleasant months to live in Lockwood are June, May, and October. The least comfortable months are December, January, and February.
The majority of people living in Lockwood are White. Hispanic residents account for approximately 18.5% of the population. The area's education level is also high: the average Lockwood citizen has a bachelor's degree, while only 1% has an associate's degree. Nearly 94% of the residents in Lockwood City own their home. For those of you who are interested in learning more about the population of Lockwood City, it can be helpful to know that the crime rate is higher in areas where there are many retail establishments.
The population of Lockwood is about the same as that of nearby cities: San Ardo and El Nido. The population density of the two cities is similar. For example, San Ardo has a population density of 5,500, while Lockwood has just 2,058 residents. In 2016, Lockwood had 63 renter-occupied housing units. Despite being a small city, it had a high proportion of renter-occupied housing units compared to the neighboring city of Gilroy and Pajaro, which have a combined population of about 5,000.