Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Lomman City? Are you trying to decide between this Missouri city and another nearby one? Here are some things you should keep in mind. Lohman has a total population of 192 people. The median household income in the city is $59,583, which is above the state average. Listed below are the Steets & Population in Lohman City.
The poverty rate in Lohman is lower than the national average, at 14.2%. This is lower than the statewide poverty rate of 14.1%. However, 14.2% of the population of Lohman, MO lives below the poverty line. Detailed analysis of poverty and cost of living is available for each state. You can also search by race and gender to find out what your neighbors are doing and where you can live.
The median property value in Lohman is $151,400, which is 0.63 times lower than the national average. The median home value in Lohman, MO went up from $150,000 to $151,400 from last year. Homeownership is 68.8%, which is higher than the national average. Lohman has a low unemployment rate of 1.71%, but a higher than average percentage of people who own a home. The median age in Lohman, MO is 33.9 years old, and males are slightly younger than females.
The area code for Lohman City is 65053. This is a city in Cole County, Missouri. The default name for the city is Lohman, which is what the locals call it. There are several other factors that help you determine the population of Lohman, including the number of people who live in the city. The city has a low crime rate. However, it is home to many retirees, so if you're interested in moving to the area, this could be the perfect place to start.