Lone Jack is a small Missouri town, located in central Missouri. The population is mostly White and has an estimated median property value of $199,300. The city is home to approximately 82% of the population. There are around 164 residents per square mile, and the average household size is two. The city is home to about 74 non-citizens. Approximately one-quarter of the population is Hispanic.
A Lone Jack crime map shows the number of crimes committed in the city. This information is very useful for planning your trip to the city. The crime rate in each district is broken down by area. The crime map in Lone Jack outlines high-crime areas, low-crime areas, and areas with low crime rates. You can also look at a crime heat map in Lone Jack to gain a better understanding of total crimes in a particular block group.
As far as transportation goes, Lone Jack, MO is home to 99.9% of its residents, a higher percentage than the national average of 93.4%. The city's southwest suburbs have seen the most growth in recent years. The population of Lone Jack, MO is approximately 1,378 people, with a projected increase of 28.0% from 2020. In the city, there is also a large number of military personnel.