The population of Marble Hill, Missouri is approximately 1,502 people. It is located in Bollinger County and is the county seat. The city was incorporated in July 1851 and is a fourth-class city. It is a member of the Cape Girardeau-Jackson, MO-IL Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Marble Hill is located on the Mississippi River and is approximately 110 miles from St. Louis and 175 miles from Memphis. The population of the city is approximately 1,460, with a population decline of 6.2% since 2010. The city's average commute time is 32.6 minutes, which is slightly faster than the national average.
The most common professions in Marble Hill are manufacturing and retail trade. The city has a diverse population, with approximately 14.5% of residents reporting German, Irish, English, and Dutch ancestry. The most common languages spoken in Marble Hill are English, French, and Italian.
The median income for Marble Hill City is $33,393. This is significantly lower than the national average, which is $67,504. The city has a low rate of income inequality. There are 656 people living in Marble Hill, and there are several different industries in the city. Among these industries, manufacturing is the largest employer in the city, employing 131 people, while retail trade and administrative and support services account for 79 people.
The median age of residents was 39.8 years, and 25.7% of residents were under the age of 18. Twenty-four percent of households were made up of married couples, and 17.2% of the remaining households consisted of individuals. There were also 11.9% of elderly people living alone in the city. The average household size in Marble Hill City was 2.61 people.