Want to find out more about the Population & Steets in Marthaville City? You're in luck. Marthasville is a large city located in the Missouri-Illinois border area on the Mississippi River. The climate in Marthasville is pleasant throughout the year but is especially nice during the months of September, May, June, and December. Listed below are some of the facts and statistics about this city.
In the United States, 99.6% of Marthasville's residents are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Marthasville, MO was $141,700 in 2019, and the homeownership rate was 82.1%. The average commute time was 30.3 minutes, and two cars per household were reported as being the most common type of vehicle. The number of people living in Marthasville, MO ranges from just over 1,363 to more than 1.3k.
The population of Marthasville Missouri is composed of residents from several countries. The foreign-born population makes up 3.3% of the entire population, and it ranks #3 in the entire greater Marthasville area. While Marthasville has a low percentage of Europeans and Americans, the area is overwhelmingly made up of Asian people. Its percentage of Western Asia residents is also relatively high, making it an excellent choice for businesses, as well as those seeking to relocate or expand their business in the area.
The crime rate in Marthasville is measured in crimes committed per thousand people. This is a good indicator of where crime is more common, but it's not always a good sign. Many crimes occur in areas where there are few people. However, these rates are lower than the national average and may even be lower than the crime rate in your neighborhood. You should always seek local advice before making any final decisions regarding the safety of your family and home.