If you are planning to move to Martinsville City, Virginia, you'll want to know the population and styes of the city. You might be wondering what age groups live in Martinsville City. The median age of all residents was 40.9 years old in 2018. That number included both native-born citizens and foreign-born people. According to a recent census, the most common country of birth for Martinsville city residents was El Salvador. India was the second most common country of birth for foreign-born residents. Mexico ranked third in total percentage of foreign-born residents.
The population of Martinsville, VA is composed of 12,852 people of various races. The majority of residents are Black, with 4.7% of the population identifying as Hispanic or Latino. The second largest ethnic group in Martinsville city is White (Non-Hispanic). The remaining 3.9% of the city's population is white. The city has a large number of military veterans, including Vietnam Veterans.
The city's name derives from a Revolutionary War General, Joseph Martin. His plantation was located near the Smith River, near Scuffle Hill, which is now the southern city limits. In addition to being the name of the city, Patrick Henry once spent a brief time in Martinsville. Its name comes from this famous patriot. It is the county seat of Morgan County. When you move to Martinsville, make sure to check out the local demographics.