The population of Merriam Woods Village is a relatively small town in the state of Missouri. This article will explore the city's population and steets. You can use the interactive map to navigate the city. To learn more about Merriam Woods, click on any of the city's links below. Or, you can use the Merriam Woods, MO, map to find out more about the area.
The climate in Merriam Woods is considered Mixed-Humid. Average daily highs are 68 degrees, while lows are 49 degrees. The city receives an average of 3.07 mm of rain every day. There are 58 percent of sunny days, which is about average for Missouri cities. Overall, Merriam Woods is a great place to live and raise a family.
The local economy has a strong impact on the town and offers many opportunities to its residents. While residents make an average of $34,226 per year, this is not as high as other villages in Missouri. Rents are reasonably low, with the average rent being $518. The area's Internet connection rate is highly reliable, with 93.5% of residents having access to high-speed internet.
The median age in Merriam Woods Village City was 34.7 years. The majority of households consisted of married couples. One-fifth of the population was under eighteen years of age. Twenty-three percent of the population was 45-64 years old, and 11.3% were over 65. In terms of gender, males outnumbered females by 49.2% to 50.