This page shows the Population & Steets for Mindenmines City. To get a better understanding of the city, consider the map below. The center of each city is within 76 miles of Mindenmines City. You may click on the map to move it or zoom in. The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as legal advice.
The United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey have provided information on the population and steets for Mindenmines City. Mindenmines has a Population 2020 of 389, and is the fourth smallest in the state. The nearest major city, Pittsburg, has a population of 20,096. However, it is still much smaller than the state average. Among its neighbors, Mindenmines is the most ethnically diverse town in the region.
Unlike La Russell and Diamond, Mindenmines has a low rate of evictions. In 2016, there were 0 evictions. Mindenmines' population density is 0.9 percent lower than the state average. Mindenmines has a median home price of $34,500, which represents a 3.3% appreciation over the last decade. Those looking to invest in Mindenmines should consider the fact that the city is a small town and the median home price is $34,500.
Demographics in Mindenmines City are not that surprising. There are more white residents than black, and the city's percentage of black residents is below the state average. Also, the percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree is higher than Frontenac's. And, there is a low unemployment rate. It's not a surprise that the city has a low birth rate.