Monroe City, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering: What is the population and steets of Monroe City, MO? In 2019, there were about 2,487 residents living in Monroe City, Missouri. The median age for native-born residents was 44.4 and for foreign-born residents, it was 64. Obviously, people are getting older in Monroe City. In 2018, the average age was about 40. Among the foreign-born residents of Monroe City, MO, the most common country of origin was Mexico, with 41,981 people born in this nation. Other common foreign-born places of birth were India, China, and Mexico, with 20,541 and 19041 residents respectively.

Although the majority of residents were Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish, other religions are also represented. In Monroe, Islam and Judaism were the largest religious groups, but the number of Jews increased after the former mayor Jamie Mayo gave a key to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. In the past, Monroe was the home of the Temple B'nai Israel, the city's oldest synagogue.

The population of Monroe City, MO is composed of seventy-one percent of African American residents, twenty-seven percent of white residents, and 32.7% of non-Hispanic, Latin-American residents. Approximately 0.4% of the population is American Indian or Alaska Native, while one-fourth of all residents are of two-sex genders. The median household size in Monroe City, MO is two people, and the percentage of households that have three or more members is one-tenth of that.