Moundville, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Moundville is home to 119 people from all races and ethnicities. Of these, 0.0% identify as Black, 0.0% as Asian, 0.0% as Hispanic or Latino, and 0.0% as American Indians or Alaska Natives. Other important races are German, Scottish, and Irish. The most common language spoken in Moundville is English, but there are people of other races and ethnicities who are native speakers as well.

The average age of residents of Moundville City is forty-seven years old. There are 7 evictions in the city. The median household income is $36,036. The median property value is $13,798. The city has a low crime rate, with just under 0.41% of residents reported as homeless. Moundville also has a very low rate of evictions, which is very common amongst African-American residents.

The median property value in Moundville, AL was $138,400 in 2019. This is 0.475 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate was 72.9%. The average commute time was thirty-four minutes. The average car ownership rate in Moundville, AL is three per household. And there are 1.39% residents who were born outside of the United States. So how does this city stack up against its national counterparts?