The following information will help you understand the population and steets of New Franklin City, Ohio. The median age of the population in New Franklin is 48.1 years, with both native and foreign-born residents. The most common race and ethnicity in New Franklin is White, with a minority of 1.14 percent being American Indian or Alaska Native. The most common occupations are health care, manufacturing, and retail trade.
The Census Bureau measures unemployment using several different metrics. First, people who qualify as unemployed must be actively seeking work. The Census Bureau also uses the U3 measure to calculate the official unemployment rate. According to the U3 measure, 35% of people living in New Franklin, OH are either unemployed or are not looking for a job. The U3 measure does not include people in the military, who are not actively searching for work. The official unemployment rate is also referred to as the Labor Force Participation Rate.
Another interesting fact about the city is that it is a relatively young town located just outside of Hudson, OH. New Franklin is full of green trees and offers a rural feel. New Franklin was incorporated as a city in 2006, and notable residents include George Sisler and Rob Dyrdek. People living in New Franklin can enjoy the combination of sprawling land and a close-knit community.