If you are interested in knowing more about the history of New Haven and its population, then you are in the right place. New Haven City is home to the Yale University, which was founded in 1636. During the early nineteenth century, it was the first city to implement a public tree planting program. However, many of these trees were decimated by the Dutch Elm disease, which was named after its city.
While the population of the city is relatively homogeneous, New Haven is becoming more diverse. One in three residents of the city identify as a race or ethnicity other than White, up from one-fifth ninety-one thousand residents in 1990. The city has residential segregation, which is similar to other Northeastern cities, which has the effect of widening the achievement gap in educational outcomes. The city also suffers from high income inequality, with the gap between rich and poor communities growing to its highest level since 1917.
In the 1970s, New Haven saw the prosecution of the Black Panther Party, leading to large demonstrations on the city's downtown green. New Haven also saw the emergence of New Left political activists and attempted to revitalize neighborhoods through neighborhood renewal projects. In addition, the city saw a substantial increase in crime. The city's crime rate increased by more than two-thirds in just ten years.