Niangua, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to learn more about the Population & Steets in Niangoa City? It might be interesting to know the racial makeup of the town. In Niangua, the majority of the population is White, and the median household income is $25,833. This area has a high percentage of the population living below the poverty line, with about 15.9% of families living below the poverty line.

What's the average age in this city? People in Niangua are 28 years old. This age group is most common in families. The city has the lowest percentage of people living in single-parent households. In terms of percent of the population that is foreign-born, Niangua is smaller than other areas of the metropolitan area. This city has the lowest proportion of foreign-born residents, compared to Seymour, which has the highest percentage.

As far as evictions go, Niangua's numbers aren't all that bad. While some addresses have evictions throughout the year, the city overall has less than half that number. While this isn't an indicator of a bad economy, it's important to note that Niangua has a low rate of evictions.

The ZIP Code for Niangua is 65713. It's located in the Springfield, Missouri area and belongs to the Multi-county region. The area code for Niangua is 417. Using this zip code to find a home or business is easy if you know the street address of the house. For more information, visit the Niangua City school page.