In the first half of the 20th century, Norwood was part of the Bronx. During the Great Depression, families from Europe left the Manhattan area for Norwood, where they were joined by Puerto Ricans and other Latinos. Other immigrants from Europe, such as Albanians and Bangladeshis, came to Norwood during and after the Second World War. New Irish immigrants also migrated to Norwood after 1965.
In 1882, the town of Norwood had its first Town Hall, built on the southwest corner of Montgomery Road and Elm Avenue. When Norwood became a city in 1902, this building served as the first City Hall. Later, the same location was redeveloped and the Norwood Municipal Building was built on that site. Then in 1885, South Norwood subdivision began to grow. The first houses erected near Ashland Avenue soon became known as the "Presidential Neighborhood" due to their namesake streets.
The median income of households in Norwood is $24,617. This figure is higher than the national average and is useful in assessing housing affordability in the city. However, Norwood has a lower rent burden than its neighboring cities, including Batavia and Silverton. In 2016 there were 193 evictions in Norwood. Among the households in the city, 83.9% were renters.
As of 2000, Norwood is the second largest city in Hamilton County. Its zip codes are 45209 and 45212. The average home value in Norwood is $206,500, making the median monthly rent around $1,308. Norwood has nine city parks, each covering about 30 acres. The Cincinnati Recreation Commission manages these parks. The city also has two grocery stores, Kroger and Whole Foods. Approximately 7 miles south of Cincinnati, a commute of ten to fifteen minutes is possible for most residents.