If you're looking for the population and steets in Osborn City, Michigan, you've come to the right place. Data Driven Detroit has conducted neighborhood profiles and conducted analysis to learn more about the neighborhoods in the city. This analysis reveals that Osborn City is losing residents in all races and racial groups. The greatest percentage loss was seen among Asians, which accounted for just over 2% of the population. The Hmong population, for example, dropped from 1,700 residents to 560, and others in the Oakland County area moved to Warren and Center Line.
The percentage of the population that is classified as poor is lower than in neighboring states. The income of individuals living in poverty in Osborn is 28.7% lower than the state average. There are 203 people employed in Osborn. The largest industries in Osborn are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. The highest paying industries in Osborn are Construction, Agriculture, Forestry, and Mining ($57917).
During school hours, Osborn Road is very busy, as parents drop off their children at Osborn School. This means that any construction at this intersection would result in higher traffic. Additionally, the area would have more pedestrian/bicycle traffic due to school crosswalks. The Osborn School playgrounds would back up to construction areas and multi-story buildings. And that's just the beginning.