The QuickFacts data for Parkville City is based on Census Bureau estimates of population and housing. Data on county-level economic and demographic factors are provided by the Census Bureau and the U.S. Census Bureau. Information about the City's population is compiled from various sources, including the American Community Survey, the Census of Population and Housing, and the Current Population Survey. It also includes information about the area's public health insurance coverage, non-employer statistics, and business permits.
The Parkville Water District serves the urban core of Leadville and unincorporated land in its periphery. As the county's largest source of domestic water supply, the Parkville Water District is expected to meet growing demand for several years. The district's water rights and treatment capacity allow it to meet increased demand for many years. The District's water treatment plant, which serves about 5,400 people, is only half-full annually.
General Commercial Future Land Use Designations occupy large parcels along Highway 24, near the Leadville-Lake County airport. They are transitional areas between the residential and commercial sectors, and are mostly composed of vacant or underdeveloped larger-acreage parcels. The area's proximity to both the Leadville Sanitation District and the Parkville Water District allows it to support many secondary uses. The City's population growth is projected to continue to exceed expectations for years to come.