Interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets in Phillipssburg City, PA? Here are some facts to know. Phillipsburg is located at the confluence of the Lehigh River and Delaware River and was a major railroad hub. The Lehigh & Hudson River Railroad and Lehigh Valley Railroad connected Phillipsburg to the Port of New York and New Jersey. Later, the Pennsylvania Railroad owned the Belvidere Delaware Railroad.
The average commute time for residents of Phillipsburg is under half an hour. However, those who live in Phillipsburg City are slightly less likely than those who live in other parts of New Jersey. This is due in part to the lower percentage of employees who are able to get to work in less than half an hour. Additionally, if you live in the city center, your commute time can be longer than the average of ten minutes.
There are several types of apartments for rent in Phillipsburg, NJ. One-bedroom apartments cost about $1,300, while two-bedroom apartments cost slightly more. RentCafe offers many types of apartments in Phillipsburg, NJ. Listed below are the prices for the various types of rentals in Phillipsburg. The average 2 bedroom apartment is 837 square feet. With these stats, you can decide whether or not to live in this Phillipsburg City apartment.
Aside from the historic houses in the town, Phillipsburg also has several famous individuals. The oldest house in Phillipsburg, built by Mr. Roseberry in 1750, is located at 119 South Main street. A few years later, the first house in Phillipsburg, built by John H. Leida in 1858, is located at 233 Chambers street. In 1800, Thomas Builman built a tavern on the Union Square. He later sold the property to Aibright. The Union Square Hotel, conducted by David W. Smith, was built by John P. Roseberry. Other prominent local individuals include Walter E. Bachman and Tim Brewster.