If you're considering moving to Pierce City, Missouri, you might be wondering what the population and steets are. Here's a quick guide to this city in Missouri. In addition to the ZIP code, you should also be aware of the city's school district. In addition to school districts, this site provides a list of the state schools. These state-specific pages also contain helpful information, such as contact information.
The town was named for Andrew Peirce, an early railroad official. When the city was incorporated in 1870, the spelling was changed due to a rule of grammar. Because of this, many people erroneously believed the city was named after President Franklin Pierce. While many believed the current spelling was the original spelling, the city officially changed its name to Pierce City in 1980. Former pastor Harold Bell Wright served at the First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, in the city. He later retired from his pulpit to write novels full-time.
The Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities has classified Pierce County as part of its seven-county metropolitan area. The county also includes Washington County, which is part of the "Seven-County Metro Area." The six-county region is located in the northwestern portion of the State of Washington. This region is adjacent to the core counties of Minneapolis and St. Paul, making it largely affected by the conditions in those states.