Plevna, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Plevna is 98 people. The median home value is $110,500 and the population density is 0.9 people per square mile. The city is located in Reno County, Kansas. The USPS gives this zip code the default name, Plevna.

Plevna has a low crime rate and a high education rate. The median income in Plevna is $43,125. Despite its low income, the city has a high percentage of homeowners. This percentage is higher than the national average of 64.4%.

The median age of people in Plevna is 47. The median age is 4% younger than the state's median age. Twenty-four percent of the city's residents are under age. The rest are between 25 and 44 years of age. In 2016, there were 0 evictions in Plevna.

The median household income in Plevna, MO is N/A, compared to $64,994 nationally. The income inequality of the city is 0.457, which is lower than the national average. The median age in Plevna, MO is N/A, but there are many lower-income residents of the city.

The city's historical importance dates back to the First and Second Bulgarian Empires. The settlement was populated by Slavs, who gave the settlement its contemporary name. A charter from Hungarian king Stephen V in 1270 mentions the city's origins.