A map of the Population & Steets in Polo, Illinois is an essential tool for planning your trip. This map shows all the towns within a 25 mile radius. You can explore the different neighborhoods and learn about their various amenities. You can also find out how many people live in each neighborhood. You can also view the most recent estimates of the area's population by viewing the city's profile.
If you are planning to market to the residents of Polo, you will need to know their demographics. The population density in the city is 487 people per square mile. This figure is lower than other cities in the area, including Hamilton and Cowgill. It is important to note that the percentage of white people is higher in Polo than in many other places, so consider this when planning your marketing strategy. However, if you are targeting people who are less educated, you will need to be more specific.
When it comes to the median age, Polo Missouri is in the middle of the pack. The median age of residents in Polo is 38.5 years old, a mid-range figure compared to nearby cities. The highest percentage of households is comprised of single people aged between 60 and 69. Interestingly, there are also large groups of retirees in the area. This makes it important to understand these groups before planning a move.