Portage Des Sioux City, Missouri is located on the Mississippi River opposite Elsah, Illinois. It is home to the riverside shrine to Our Lady of the Rivers. As of 2010, the city had a population of 328. Listed below are some facts about the city.
In Portage Des Sioux, MO, the median property value is $138,100. This number represents a 2.7% increase from the previous year. This area has a homeownership rate of 85.6%, and most households drive alone to work. In Portage Des Sioux City, Missouri, there are two cars per household.
Portage Des Sioux has a population of 328 people. It is located in Saint Charles County, Missouri, and has an elevation of 134 meters. Its superior administrative division is Missouri. The median household income is $53,438. Its population is made up of 125 households.
Portage Des Sioux has a diverse population. About half of its residents are white, while 12.3% of Portage Des Sioux City residents are Black or African American. Another four percent are Hispanic or Latino. And two percent are unknown.
Portage Des Sioux is located on the border between Missouri and Illinois, along the Mississippi River. Its climate is generally mild and comfortable during the months of May and June.