There are several demographic characteristics of Preston City that can help you understand the current population of the city. The population of Preston is predominantly white, and the average age is about 34 years. The age group is expected to increase to more than 27 thousand in 2043. There is also a large proportion of people who are over the age of 65. This is a lower rate than the national average, so if you're interested in finding out about the demographics of Preston, this article is for you.
Despite its proximity to Manchester and Liverpool, Preston is an urban settlement in Lancashire, England. Preston City Council has 22 wards, and Preston and Wyre are two Westminster constituencies. Preston is surrounded by the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Beauty. This makes the city a popular place to live. In addition to its rich cultural heritage, Preston also boasts a number of museums and attractions that you can see in the area.
The city's population has also changed significantly since its founding in the nineteenth century. It was home to a large population of Caribbean and Asian immigrants, who mostly worked in manufacturing. The city's economy declined dramatically in the 1970s when the Courtaulds factory closed, causing nearly 3,000 job losses. The River Ribble docks also closed in the early 1980s, and the city was hit by a wave of mass unemployment in the early eighties. This was a part of a wider nationwide recession.