The following information will give you an overview of the Population & Steets in Ravenwoold City, MO. The city has a total population of 394 and a growth rate of 20.7% from the year 2000. The median home value in Ravenwood, MO is $168,200, and the population is 4.73% White (Non-Hispanic). Compared to the rest of Missouri, the city has a low poverty rate.
Whether you're looking for a historic home or a modern, multi-unit building, Ravenswood offers a wide variety of options to meet your needs. A mix of new and old buildings in this city provides an eclectic mix of options for a range of income levels. Residents are likely to be single families, young professionals, and families. Because of the low crime rate, rents in Ravenwood have stayed relatively low.
The median age of the city was 42.4 years. Twenty-four percent of its population was under the age of 18, while 14.2% were between the ages of 18 and 24. Thirty-five percent of households were headed by a married couple. Another twenty-four percent of residents were 45-64 years old or older. There were also 15.1% of senior citizens living alone. The city was predominantly male, with 47.6% males and 51.4% females.
The neighborhood's lowlands are fertile and well-drained, and served as a popular hunting ground for Native Americans and early European settlers. A bench-like area of lowlands, the majority of Ravenswood is outside the floodplain, but the city's boundaries follow the river's path. Residents are separated by Sycamore Street and residential areas east of Preston and Bedford streets.