Population - How many people live in Raymore City? How many people are poor? These are important questions to ask when determining the quality of life in any community. Raymore, Kansas is a city that is only slightly bigger than Missouri. The population is estimated to be 34%. The city is in the Midwest, which is a major reason for the lower rate of poverty in Raymore. Its population is also half the size of Kansas City.
Prominent citizens are aspiring to become city officials. But what are their top priorities? Some would like a better transportation system, better schools, and more sit-down restaurants. Others are interested in the growth of Raymore, but aren't sure how they can best contribute to the area's growth. As a city council member, Pfeiler hopes to be part of a team that will keep the ball rolling and help Raymore stay the way it is today.
There are two types of neighborhoods in Raymore. One is called Riverview Estates, and the other is called Raymore City. Riverview Estates is located in the heart of the city. It is a suburb of the Kansas City Metro. Its population is 19,206 according to the 2010 census. The city was platted in 1874, and its post office has been in operation since 1872. Its Watkins Family Farm Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2007.