Are you looking for the population and steets of Rosendale City? Then you've come to the right place! Here's the most up-to-date information about Rosendale City. If you'd like to learn more about this area, check out this list of stats! Listed below are the population and steets for the city of Rosendale. We'll be updating this article as we learn more.
According to Gordon's Gazetteer published in 1836, there were about ten or twelve dwellings in the city. The current population of Rosendale is 143. The city is located in Andrew County, Missouri, United States. The median household income is $35,000, which makes it a relatively affluent area. The poverty rate is a very low 2.8%. However, there are many areas of the city with lower incomes.
The town of Rosendale was once a village. Until 1977, the city was a village, with the town centering on Main Street. It was dissolved by a vote in 1977, but now has a population of 6,075.
According to the 2000 census, there were 2,587 households. Of these, 5.7% were under 18 years old, while 31.9% were aged 25-64. Twenty-eight percent were non-families. The rest of the households were single-person households. Moreover, 8.4% of households were made up of senior citizens living alone. Generally, the median age was 38 years old.