When you visit Saint Ann City, you might want to know the Population & Steets in Saint Anne. The population of Saint Ann City is estimated to be around 6,190 people. The median age was 37.7 years. The median household size was 2.19 people. This statistic also includes the number of households that were married, non-married, or vacant. The median household size was two people, and there were about 14.2% of single-person households.
The population of Saint Ann is based on a 2010 census. The city has a C1 Census Class Code, but does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent. It is located within the Township of Airport, which is a minor civil division in St. Louis County. It is also known by alternate names such as Mary Ridge and Saint Ann. The community's first homesite was dedicated to Saint Ann, mother of the Virgin Mary.
This city has a low rate of crime, but it is still a thriving city. St. Louis is the capital of Missouri, and Saint Ann ranks in the 75th percentile when compared to other cities in the state. However, there are several factors that affect the city's popularity. One important factor is its proximity to St. Louis. The city has a lower crime rate than neighboring cities, and many residents have a high school diploma.
One factor that affects the racial makeup of the city is the zoning. The city adopted an ordinance that favored white residents, but included an exclusionary zoning ordinance to keep black families out. The goal was to create a uniform, single-family neighborhood throughout the town. The residents of St. Ann City had similar income and occupation levels to those of De Porres.