You are about to find out the Population & Steets in Saint Petes City, MO. This Missouri city is located along the Mississippi River and Missouri-Illinois border. The best time to visit the city is during September, May, June, or December. The population of St Peters City is about 52,575.
The median home price in St. Peters is $168,100, and 18.2% of residents prefer to rent instead of buy. The average rent in Saint Peters is $1,146 for a 914 square foot apartment. In the next year, rents are expected to rise another 5%. There are many benefits to living in this city. Compared to other places in the country, the cost of living is 8% lower in St. Peters.
The median age of the population in Saint Peters City, MO, was 38.8 years. A quarter of the population was under the age of 18, and another one-fifth was between 18 and 24 years. Forty-one percent of the population was between 25 and 44 years old, and thirty-four percent of households were non-families. Sixteen percent of the population was 65 years old or older. There were 48 males and 51 females in Saint Peters City, MO, and the gender makeup was 47.8% male and 51.8% female.
The university in Saint Peters has an undergraduate enrollment of 2,355 (fall 2020). The campus is 25 acres and utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. The university is ranked in the Regional Universities North category based on several key ranking factors. The university is part of the NCAA I and receives 88% of its full-time undergraduates from need-based financial aid. The school also offers a number of student services, including health services, non-remedial tutoring, and placement services. It allows alcohol consumption for students of legal age.