What are the population & steets in Schell City, Missouri? This data is tagged to each residential address in Schell City, Missouri. One-third of the population in Schell City, MO is 15 years or younger. Of the city's adult civilian population, 14.1% are veterans. In Missouri, that number is 8.8%. In Schell City, MO, there are a total of 66 registered veteran organizations, making the city a great place to start.
There are over 18,000 people living in Schell City, Missouri. Of them, 86.6% of the population is working in a job. There are about 29,000 people in Schell City, MO. A quarter of the residents have their own homes, which means that the median property value in this city is $138,870. A third of Schell City's population lives in a rent-controlled apartment.
In 2014, the median property value in Schell City, MO was $48,600, which is 0.202 times smaller than the national average of $240,500. This number represents a decrease from the previous year's $48,800 to $48,600. In addition, the homeownership rate is 78.6%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. Also, the average commute time to work is 23.7 minutes.
The population of Schell City, MO is made up of mostly white (non-Hispanic) citizens. A total of 0 people are Hispanic, which is the minority group in Schell City. In addition, the city's population density is low, with white residents outnumbering people of all races. The area's median monthly rent is $375. Most residents have access to broadband internet in their homes.