You've probably come across information on Sedalia City's population and steets, but are you sure what those numbers mean? The following table lists the population of Sedalia and its surrounding area by zip code, street, state, and museum name. It also includes phone numbers for schools and museums. The city is located in Pettis County. You can also use the links below to learn more about the city and its surrounding area.
Before the arrival of European explorers, there were native tribes along the Missouri River. It is thought that the area was occupied by the Osage, a historical American Indian tribe. Later, the Shawnee migrated eastward from the Mississippi River. This area was inhabited for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. This region is home to a thriving agricultural community.
The median age of all people living in Sedalia, MO was 36.1 in 2019. Native citizens were the average age, at 35 years old, while foreign-born people were on average 41 years old. Sedalia's average population age was 36 in 2018. In 2019, the most common foreign-born country was Mexico. The natal country of 41,981 residents of Sedalia is Mexico. The next-most-common countries were China and India, with each having about 20 percent of the total population of Sedalia.
The median household income in Sedalia, MO is $39,804 per person. Nearly half of the population lives below the federal poverty line and children make up 13.8% of the population. Overall, Sedalia's poverty rate is 19.4%, higher than the national average of 12.3%. The largest demographic living in poverty is the Females between 18 and 24 years of age, followed by the Males.