Sibley is a city in Louisiana, United States. It is about 1/3 the size of Louisiana. According to the 2010 census, Sibley had a population of 1,466. However, there are many people who live in the surrounding areas. Here are the population and steets of Sibley. You can also use the information provided below to find out the average age in the area.
Sibley has many different names. Depending on where you live, it may be a city, town, village, or school. The population and steets of each may vary. Sibley's official name is D, which means "default." It is often a city, town, or village, and is the default name used by the United States Postal Service (USPS).
Whether you want to rent an apartment in Sibley, IA, or live in an apartment in Sibley, IA for business, you can find an affordable place to live. There are two apartments in Sibley, IA for rent. You can choose a basic apartment or a fully furnished apartment that will suit your needs. No matter what your budget, there is a rental home for you.
Sibley's population is made up of many people. Approximately 13.5% of the total population is a married couple. That means that women make up nearly half of all households in the city. And men make up the other half. The average age is forty-six. The percentage of married couples is higher than the national average. Sibley's main street once featured a barber shop, a cafe, a movie theater, and a lumber yard.