A quick way to learn about the Population & Steets in Sikoston City, Missouri, is to visit its city hall. The city hall can be found at the address listed above and is open during specified business hours. The city hall also offers email and telephone services. There are 12 banking branches in Sikeston. The most popular bank in Sikeston is Montgomery Bank, with 2 branch offices. Other banks in the city include U.S. Bank National Association, Alliance Bank, and U.S. Bank National Association.
Sikeston has long been associated with country music. In 1977, Kenny Rogers performed at the Jayceerodeo, and later, Loretta Lynn and Charlie Daniels performed at the same event. In 1983, Kenny Rogers donated an Arabian stallion to a local cerebral palsy center, and the center later changed its name to reflect this. In the following years, the town welcomed the singer and his band.
Sikeston is home to approximately 16,664 residents. The neighboring towns of Republic and Lemay are each about the same size, and Sikeston is just behind them. The city's racial and ethnic makeup is largely White. There are also significant numbers of Black and Two or More residents. According to the 2010 Census, the median household income was $42,702 per year, and 18.7% of the population lived in poverty. The median age of the residents in Sikeston is 40.4 years old.
The economy of Sikeston is traditionally based on agriculture. Cash crops provided a great deal of wealth for landowners and employed many workers. However, as the agricultural industry became mechanized, it has decreased as a major source of employment. Today, a greater percentage of Sikeston's residents are employed in the service industry. The Missouri Delta Medical Center is the city's largest employer, followed by Wal-Mart and the Sikeston Public Schools.