Slater's population and steets are below average. It's a bit higher than the national average of 13.4%, but below the state average of 11.7%. There are a lot of differences between these numbers and those of other U.S. cities and towns, however, including the poverty rate. The following statistics highlight some key differences between Slater, MO and other areas.
The United States census shows that 99.7% of residents in Slater are US citizens, compared to 99.4% in 2018. However, this percentage has been rising over the last few years and is now higher than the national average of 93.4%. The number of American citizens living in Slater is also higher than those in neighboring and parent geographies. The area is home to many military personnel.
Slater has a population of approximately 1,765 people. Its median property value was $64,300 in 2019. This is less than half of the national average. Residents of Slater live in homes that are priced at $61,100. Homeownership rate is 62.4%, compared to 19.8% for the United States. Most people in Slater commute by car, with the average distance of 16.9 minutes. The population in Slater owns an average of two cars.
Slater, MO has a median household income of $32,115. Its racial and ethnic makeup is mixed, with Whites (non-Hispanic), two-and-a-half, and Black or African-Americans making up the majority of the population. There are only 42 Hispanic residents in Slater. There are 770 white residents, while the minority population is 2.4% of the city's population.