South Greenfield, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following facts will provide an overview of the Population & Steets in SouthGreenfield City, Missouri. The poverty rate in this city is 52.2%, which is higher than the state's average of 47.7%. The racial makeup of SouthGreenfield is diverse. Native American people make up a small portion of the population. There is a high concentration of low-income families in South Greenfield.

Most SouthGreenfield residents identify themselves as white. Only 0.7% of the population is African American. About 97.9% of the population is Latino. The median age is 41.5 years. Only 6.7% of South Greenfield residents are under the age of 18. Twenty-four percent are between the ages of 25 and 44. The rest are between 45 and 64 years of age. Of the total population, 17.8% are Hispanic and 2.6% are black.

The area has a high percentage of college graduates. Residents in the area attend Greenfield School District, Pioneer Valley School District, Four Rivers Charter Public School, and Private schools. There are also several correctional facilities and nursing homes in the area. Among all the other ZIP codes in Massachusetts, only Greenfield is located in the Pioneer Valley. If you are considering moving to South Greenfield, it is important to know the statistics.