What are the Population & Steets in Stan Berry City? The numbers on this page can give you a good idea of the area's housing affordability. The rent burden is the percentage of household income that is spent on rental housing. This statistic is particularly useful for estimating housing affordability in a city. The rent burden in Stanberry is lower than the state average of 29.4%, while neighboring cities Grant City and Mound City both have a lower rent burden than Stanberry. Approximately 38.4% of all housing units in Stanberry are occupied by renters.
The ZIP Code for Stanberry is 64489. It belongs to the Multi-counties region of Missouri. The city is a part of Gentry County. There are two bank branches in Stanberry, Missouri. The most popular bank is HNB National Bank. The second bank is Bank Northwest. For more detailed information, visit the library and school pages of the city. You can also visit the city's website to view the list of local businesses.
The median age for people living in Stanberry is 35.7 years old. This number includes both native and foreign-born citizens. Compared to the previous year, the median age was only 37. While the population of Stanberry is 2,500, there was no'saloon' in town. The town is only 40 miles away from the city of St. Joseph. However, the ads for lodging in the town also claimed that there was no saloon in the town.