Strasburg is a town in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, United States. In the early 1800s, it was the second largest town in the county, but after the building of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the population dropped to a lower level. In 1798, Strasburg was the second largest town in Lancaster County, but by 1815, it had dropped to the fifth largest. There is no clear reason for this sudden decline, but it is certainly a possibility.
While statistics are not always the most telling, demographics can give a sense of neighborliness. Approximately 90% of Strasburg's homes are owner-occupied, and the average household size is 3.0 members. The quality of life is subjective, however. Some buyers want walkable neighborhoods, while others may want a more rural setting with plenty of open space and nature. Luckily, Strasburg has something to offer everyone.
Located at the junction of the Rhine and the Baltic Sea, Strasbourg is one of the oldest cities in Europe. The city is home to several international organizations, including the European Parliament, the European Science Foundation, and Eurocorps. Strasburg is also a major industrial center in eastern France. Its map shows the streets and major sites and natural objects in detail. You can zoom in on the map by dragging its center or by clicking on the plus/minus buttons. If you are interested in more details, you can also check out the satellite map of the city.
The median household income in Strasburg is $50,676. The median rent is $230,200. In the last decade, the city has experienced a 4.1% home appreciation rate. If you are looking for a home in Strasburg, you should know the median price. Unlike many areas, Strasburg has a higher cost of living than the median of nearby cities. This is because more people live in high-priced neighborhoods, which tend to be more expensive.