If you're looking for the current population and steets in Sturgeon City, Missouri, you've come to the right place. Located in Boone County, this city is home to 872 people. The population is estimated to increase to 965 by 2020. The city is located near US-63 and M-22, but is separated from them by green fields. You can find many alternative routes to Sturgeon, including a bypass through Centralia and Hallsville.
The median household income in Sturgeon is $62,132, which is higher than other nearby zip codes. The majority of residents in Sturgeon City travel to work by vehicle. A typical commute time of under half an hour can be expected. The poverty rate is about the same as the rest of the country. Listed below are the basic statistics and other useful information about the population and steets in Sturgeon City, Missouri.
During the growth period, Sturgeon Heights was a thriving neighborhood. It was developed to accommodate families of all income levels. Homes in Sturgeon Heights were built before the building boom in the 1950s. The majority of homes are occupied by renters. The city is known as a desirable neighbourhood, and there are many mature trees in the neighborhood. There is one elementary school in Sturgeon Heights, a public high school, and a high-school.
The New River runs through Sturgeon City, which was once a wastewater treatment plant. Now, it's an educational center for civic and environmental programs. The reintroduced sturgeons began in 2010, more than a decade after they were removed. The city's sewage treatment facility was closed. And the city's residents were not happy with the new river! This led to the city's environmental education center - the Sturgeon City Institutes.