The following statistics show the number of people living in poverty in Sullivan City, Texas. The most common racial groups are White and Hispanic. The total number of eviction cases was 0.81 in 2016. According to the US Census Bureau, the median income in Sullivan City is $54,657. In comparison, the average income for the state of Texas is $53,780. This percentage represents a significant increase over the national average.
The ZIP code 78595 is located in SULLIVAN CITY, Texas. This area has one default name: SULLIVAN. It is a five-digit zip code that is used to find a more detailed location. The map below shows the corresponding ZIP code. Here's a map of the neighborhood in Sullivan City, TX. This map can help you choose the right place to live based on the information you find.
The median gross rent in Sullivan City was $465/mo in 2010. This amount may include some other building costs and utility bills. The median rent in Texas was $882 per month, indicating that the rent burden in Sullivan City was 33.3% higher than that in the state. The percentage of renters in Sullivan City is higher than in nearby cities Orange Grove and Mission. And, a third of the households were made up of renters.
Kingsport, TN is located in Sullivan County. The population of Sullivan City is estimated to reach 44,130 people by the end of 2020. The city's gender ratio is 45.7% male to 54.3% female. Residents in Kingsport are divided into two distinct groups: white males and black males. This population distribution makes Sullivan City an extremely diverse city. The city's high percentage of homeless residents also makes it a desirable place to live.