If you're planning a move to Summersville City, you'll first need to know the population and steets. Summersville's demographics show a slight improvement over the average. The Enon / City Center neighborhood has the highest percentage of residents over the age of 50, while the Craigsville CDP has the highest rate of those ages sixty-four and older.
The population of Summersville City is primarily composed of married couples. There are only 8% of single-parent households in the city, which is a lot higher than in the surrounding cities. There are nearly half as many married couples in the City as there are single-parent households in neighboring communities. This is not surprising given the low rate of sex in the community, but it is also indicative of the low-income area.
The city is home to Nicholas County High School. Originally located downtown in "Old Main," it quickly expanded to encompass the growing student population. Later, more buildings were built on campus, and a new building was constructed north of the city. In recent years, the city has become the commercial and economic center of Nicholas County. The city is home to a major annual potato festival, and its main road, U.S. Route 19, has recently been upgraded to four lanes.
In Summersville, WV, the population is roughly 2,793 people of voting age. The gender ratio is 47 to 52, with 27.9% of the population over 65. The ethnic composition of the city is predominantly white (93.1%), with 1.7% African-American, 1.4% black, and 0.8% two-or-more-race residents. Just 3.1% of the population identifies as Hispanic.