This article will discuss Population & Steets in Tarikio City and provide information on the community. This guide also includes the Tarkio School & Library pages. In addition, you can find out the average commute time for Tarkio residents. Listed below are some statistics on the area. The population in Tarkio is around 1,420 people. If you are considering moving to Tarkio, you can read the city's Development Regulations.
The rent burden is an indicator of the affordability of housing in a city. The rent burden is a measure of the percentage of household income that goes towards renting a home. Tarkio's rent burden is lower than the 29.4% for Missouri, but is higher than neighboring cities such as Bolckow, which has a rent burden of 25.0%. The percentage of renter-occupied housing units in Tarkio is 32.4%, which is slightly higher than neighboring cities.
Tarkio City has a varied age structure. Approximately twenty-six percent of residents were under age, while 7.9% were between 18 and 24. Twenty-five percent of residents were between 25-44 years old, while 29.1% were 45-64 years old. There were also 17.9% of senior citizens living alone. Overall, the age distribution of residents was much lower than the state average.