For more information about the demographics of the Trimble City, KY area, visit the Population & Steets in Trimb City page. The population is spread throughout the area, and there are several different neighborhoods to explore. If you're planning a road trip, be sure to check out the towns nearby. By doing this, you'll be able to see how much of the area is populated by renters.
The population of Trimble city, Ohio is less than 2,500 people. The median household income in the township is $25,288. The poverty rate is approximately 12.7%. The area's public school district has an average of 57 Mbps. Moreover, there are no subway lines in the city. The city has a good road network, but it's far from a bustling one.
Although there are many reasons why you'd want to live in the city, a small town like Trimble is convenient for a family. It is located near Smithville Lake, so the amenities are right at your fingertips. And if you're looking for a new home, you'll be happy to know that there are newer homes in Trimble. The Clinton County R-III school district offers a range of living conditions, including a variety of neighborhoods.
The median age of residents was 39.5 years. There were 11.6% of those under the age of 18 living with their parents. The number of married couples was 49.1%, and 18.1% were women without husbands. Twenty-two percent of households were non-families, and 22.9% were comprised of individuals. Ten percent of households had a senior resident living alone. The median household size was 2.66, while the average family size was 3.14.