Listed below are the current population and steets in Troy City, Ohio. For more information, view the Troy, OH, population profile. In addition, see other census data in Troy, Ohio. The population is diverse. Approximately 59% of the Troy residents are White. Twenty-five percent are African-American. Six percent are Asian-Pacific Islander. Eleven percent are Hispanic or Latinx.
The city is historically important in the iron & steel industry. The city was the early home of steel structural supports and iron storefronts. Many of the fine houses have been converted to restaurants and other establishments. Troy's industrial past is reflected in its early architecture. For example, the city's Victorian-style buildings feature numerous examples of Victorian iron work. In addition, Troy has several free summer shows for art lovers.
The proposed council districts are more uniform in size. Each district is roughly 16.3% of Troy's population, so they preserve neighborhood character while maintaining their compactness. However, they have awkward borders caused by census blocks. For example, a census tract of 229 people extends from Oakwood Cemetery to the northern edge of Stoneledge Terrace Apartments. It's unclear which district will be more populated and will benefit the city in the long run.
Population & Steets in Troy