What's the population and steets in Union Star City? In the last 10 years, the city's population has decreased by 5.3%. What's up with that? The following article will tell you. It may also be useful if you're considering relocating to this charming town. Population and steets data are available for other communities in Washington County. But first, learn about Union Star City.
The population of Union Star, MO is 448 people, with a median property value of $60,500. Homeownership rate is 72.2%, which is higher than the national average. Nearly all residents commute by car and have an average commute time of 38.4 minutes. There are two cars per household, and 0% of the residents are foreign-born. In Union Star, MO, the median age is 37.
The median age of the residents was 29.9 years. Those between the ages of 18 and 24 comprised 15.4% of the town's population. Those between 25 and 44 comprised 28.3% of the population. Those between 45-64 years of age made up 21.8%. Those over 65 were only 11.1% of the town's population. Males outnumbered females by 92.7:1.
The population of Star City peaked at 300 people when the city incorporated. In 1880, it was a small town with about 300 residents. It was governed by Mayor Iverson S. Goodwin and the city's first treasurer M. S. Cook. A schoolhouse was built for the community, and the city continued to grow. A high school was built in the early 1900s.