Wardell, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Wardell, Missouri is 247 people. It has a female population of 50.2% and a male population of 49.8%. There are 17.6% of residents who are over 65 years old. The majority of Wardell residents are white, with 98.3% of residents being white, while only 1.4% are black or of some other race. Aside from these, the median household income in Wardell is $41,985.

The median gross monthly rent in Wardell, Missouri is $488, which is below the national average. The median home price in Wardell, Missouri is $490. There are many apartments and condos for rent in the city. Many people in Wardell are working full-time and have families. The median rent for a one-bedroom unit in Wardell is $488. This makes the average cost of living in Wardell, Missouri significantly lower than the national average.