If you are looking for demographic information on Wentzville, you have come to the right place. Wentzville is located along the Missouri-Illinois border along the Mississippi River. In terms of climate, there are three seasons, with September and May being the warmest. January is the coldest, with a mean high of 0 degrees and a low of -28°F.
The most common race in Wentzville is multiple. This group has the lowest poverty rate. This group is 0.95% below the poverty line. The rate of poverty varies depending on race and family composition. Full-time workers were 0.78% more likely to be in poverty than non-workers. The median age for men is 35-44 and for women 45-54. Non-citizens include illegal immigrants, legal permanent residents, international students, and temporary employees.
The population of Wentzville is estimated at 29,070. The city was founded in 1855 as a railroad depot along the Northern Missouri Railroad. A slave-owner named William M. Allen gave land to the railroad to build a station in Wentzville. In 1872, Wentzville was incorporated as a fourth-class city. The General Motors Corporation has been located in the city since 1980.
There are 2,456 households in Wentzville. Of these, 2,456 are households with children under the age of 18. Twenty-seven percent of households are non-families, and 7.1% of households are single. A male outnumbers a female in Wentzville. The city's gender ratio is 48.5% male and 51.5% female. The average family size is 3.20.