If you're curious about the population and steets of Wheeling City, WV, you're not alone. Many communities throughout the state are experiencing growth and development, including Wheeling. With a median household income of $47,000, Wheeling is considered a thriving non-metropolis. It is located in the Northern Panhandle region of West Virginia, within the Western Allegheny Plateau. The city is located across the Ohio River from Ohio and is only 11 miles west of Pennsylvania. The region surrounding Wheeling is often referred to as the Ohio Valley.
The median age of residents was 45.2 years. There were 19.7% of residents under 18, 9.1% between 18 and 24, 23.3% of those aged 25-44, and 21.6% who were 65 years old or older. The city has a gender ratio of 46.9% males to 53.1% females. For every 100 residents, there were 1.30 people living below the federal poverty line. This ratio is lower than the national median of 1.40 for all U.S. cities.
The first official monument in Wheeling, WV, was dedicated on Memorial Day 1986. It commemorates those men who died during the Vietnam War. The 6-foot-high granite memorial, dedicated in 1986, is located in Bethlehem Community Park, located southeast of Wheeling. It features a bronze dedication plaque that lists the names of KIAs from the Wheeling/Ohio County area and a map of South Vietnam.