The population of Wildwood, New Jersey is 56271. The surrounding Philadelphia, PA metropolitan area is 1.517 million. Wildwood's air quality index was 56.6 in 2018. The city is below the New Jersey state average for tornado activity, and about 60% below the national average. While growth rates for this city are expected to remain moderate over the next several years, the numbers are still impressive. Here are the latest data on Wildwood's population and the surrounding area.
According to the United States Census Bureau, 67.6% of Wildwood residents live below the poverty line. Another 25.7% are Hispanic. The median income is $30,940. One car per household is the norm. Only 6.8% of the residents work in a profession that requires a high school degree. Nonetheless, a person's financial situation can be affected by the availability of affordable housing.
The Wildwood Historical Society spearheads the preservation effort. The oldest building on Pacific Avenue is up for sale and the Historical Society is scrambling to pick up the pieces as buildings fall down. While the 1950s motels were a signature of Wildwood for many, the change in attitude has not been welcomed by the Historical Society. They feel that the community should preserve its history. The Society isn't against change, but doesn't like the new buildings.
The crime rate in West Wildwood is higher than in the northeast. This area has lower crime rates compared to the southeast part. The red areas on the crime rate map are not necessarily dangerous for residents. In addition, most of the crimes happen in the retail district. Therefore, the red areas don't necessarily represent a high risk for crime. While red areas aren't necessarily dangerous, they shouldn't be overlooked in a crime map.